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Golf Setup Lesson Pt 1- Foundation for a Golf Swing

The golf setup is the foundation for a golf swing and getting setup to make a golf swing is probably as important as creating the proper foundation on which to build a building. Get it wrong, and it won’t matter how well you build  everything else. Look no further than the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” …

Flat Left Wrist Golf Impact Position Like Camilo Villegas

Camilo Villegas won with a flat left wrist golf impact position. Do you have it? If you hit shots too high, can’t take a divot or lack distance, then odds are you’re missing out. If you saw Camilo’s win last weekend, you saw a classic ball striking and shot-making exhibition. He consistently hit punch shots, …

Golf Grip – How to Grip a Golf Club

The proper golf grip, specifically how to grip a golf club is an often overlooked detail as golfers tend to be far too interested in the complexity of the swing itself. However, a correct golf grip has everything to do with how the swing will develop including the motion of the arms and wrists, clubface …

Herman Williams Golf